Tjebo has extensive academic research experience.His main research interest are macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel), a neurodegenerative disorder of the macula of the human eye. His PhD was focused on visual function of people with MacTel. Read more about MacTel.
Tjebo has 93 publication records on Web of Science. This includes 63 original articles with more than 1500 citations (H-Index: 23, NIH mean relative citation rate = 1.9). Based on citations, he is in the top 15% of researchers in his field (estimated based on NIH data).
Tjebo is particularly interested in data analysis and his work has contributed to an easier access to ophthalmic data for the research community. He is the author and maintainer of the R extension packages eye and eyedata, which are published on Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
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